The History of Brenau University, 1878 – 2013 A Study of Student, Faculty, and Staff Negotiation to Shape the Collegiate Experience By Charles H. “Trey” Wilson III

Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgements

Introduction. Placing Brenau into Context

Chapter 1. Parties to the Parley: Meeting the Students and Officials of Brenau, both Past & Present

Chapter 2. The History of Academics at Brenau: Derived by Faculty & Staff, Complied with by Students

Chapter 3. Institutional Policymaking as Staff & Faculty Forte: The Case of Segregation Strategy at Brenau College

Chapter 4. Building Brenau: How Perceptions of Women and Femininity Dictated the Evolution of Physical Space on Campus

Chapter 5. Organizations and Traditions at Brenau: Those that Govern Students and those that Students Govern

Chapter 6. Smoking, “Night Riding,” & other Serious Offenses: Negotiating the Evolution of Rules and Discipline at Brenau

Chapter 7. “No imitations of masculine sports”: ‘Physical Culture’ for Students at Brenau College

Chapter 8. Bringing Home the Gold[en Tigers]: Establishing and Advancing Athletics at Brenau

Chapter 9. Student Success at Shaping Space: Secret Societies at Brenau



